Maya Lombarts
Hey Chievers,
Recognize yourself in one of these statements?
“I can’t fall asleep because my mind just can’t stop racing.”
“I do fall asleep fast, but I wake up at 2 am and can’t fall back asleep.”
“I try to sleep for 8 hours and still I wake up feeling tired.”
“I’m too busy, I’ll sleep more when this project is finished.”
… Yup, most of us have used at least one of these statements in the past year. And yet, you don’t immediately think of taking consistent action, changing your habits, optimizing your bedroom, really taking the right steps to improve sleep quality.
Why is it that diet and exercise are the first things we think about when wanting to feel more energized and healthy, but we don’t take a hard look at our sleep schedule? Or maybe we do, but we lack the right tools to sleep better apart from some sleeping pills?
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Sleep deprivation will affect your health and well-being in so many ways:
If you want to feel calmer, healthier, energized, and positive about life, I’d say the very first thing you need to work on is fixing your sleep schedule.
I created a FREE 4-Step Bedtime Routine for you that only takes up 15 minutes of your time right before you go to bed. You’ll see you’ll fall asleep quickly and you’ll sleep better. Try it out tonight!
Try out this bedtime routine tonight to prime your body and mind for great quality sleep.
Check your mailbox (and spam) to download your freebie!
Before you go to sleep, what do you do? Is it one of these?
Hey Maya, I do all of these things, what’s wrong with that?
Let me give you a little bit of a theory lesson about cortisol levels and the nervous system before we go into the practical bits of your night routine for better sleep.
Cortisol is what we call the get-up-and-go or stress hormone. It’s what helps you wake up in the morning and be productive. As you can see in the graphic below, cortisol should be high in the morning so you can get going with your day, but then it should go down in the evening so that your body can get ready for sleep. When cortisol is high, you are operating in your sympathetic nervous system, also called our fight-or-flight system. This is why you should prepare your brain for sleep.
Melatonin, the red line in the graphic below, is your sleep hormone. You can stimulate this hormone by relaxing and disconnecting. You’ll enter the other side of the coin of your nervous system: the parasympathetic nervous system, also called: rest-and-digest. When cortisol is high, melatonin is low. When melatonin is high, cortisol is low.
Bottom line: if you’re doing a bunch of activities that give you excitement, adrenaline or stress, cortisol will be up and you won’t have enough sleep hormone (melatonin) to have good sleep quality.
If you’re processing information like informative books, chat conversations, your social media feed, movies, impulses from outside activities … Your brain has a lot to think about, to interpret, to process, and you can’t enter a state of true relaxation.
A classic symptom of high cortisol and low melatonin at night is when you wake up at 2 am and you just can’t seem to fall back asleep until 4-5 am. This is because you literally don’t have enough sleep hormone to stay asleep.
And so with that theory lesson, let’s see how we can balance our hormones, balance our daily rhythm, and sleep like a baby, shall we?
Before you download my FREE 4-Step Bedtime Routine, I’d like to bring your attention to 5 key aspects to fix your sleep schedule:
Creating some kind of routine in the morning can help you sleep better at night. Say what?
Yes, did you know that getting sunlight in (even just by watching out the window) will increase cortisol levels which will actually help you have LOWER cortisol levels in the evening so you can sleep better? Your morning routine will affect your sleep on that day, so let’s start there.
I know most of you don’t have the time to take an hour for yoga, meditation, journaling and feeling grateful for this new day. You don’t have to take it that far. A morning routine can be very short and simple. There are just a couple of aspects you need to have in mind:
By now you’ll know why I’m telling you why you shouldn’t use social media in your night routine. There’s too much information on the feed and in messages for your brain to process late in the evening. Your brain has done enough work for the day and you deserve to disconnect. Disconnecting may feel weird at first when you have the habit of being available all the time, but you’ll soon start enjoying the lack of interruptions from notifications and fully engage in something that truly relaxes you.
Apart from your brain feeling scattered, the blue light of your screen literally blocks melatonin production and increases cortisol. Not something you want to be doing before going to sleep. If you really need to check your phone, install a blue light filter so that your screen looks a bit red-ish and it doesn’t affect your hormones that much.
Your brain associates places and situations with habits and feelings. That’s just the way it works, so you should use this in your advantage.
Your bed should only be for sleep and sex. Nothing else. No movies, no phone, no working on your laptop, no reading … If you like to read in your bedroom, have a separate cozy chair as your reading spot, so that your brain can associate that spot with reading and processing information.
If you can’t fall asleep, just get up, go to the living room, and try again after 15 minutes. This way, you can train your brain that once you enter the bed, it’s time for sleep.
You also want to check the sleep conditions of your bedroom: is it dark enough? Is the temperature right? Is it not too humid? (If it is, consider buying an air filter), are your bedsheets of good quality so that your body can breathe? Did you invest in a good-quality mattress?
When you download The 4-Step Bedtime Routine below, you will receive a little extra freebie to optimize your sleep + bedroom conditions!
Training your internal clock and sticking to a sleep schedule will also help your body and your brain to fall asleep quickly and wake up feeling well-rested. Even when you go out and sleep quite late, try to wake up at the same time every day so your body can create the habit of getting ready to tackle the day. It’s better to wake up early and do a little siesta in the afternoon, than to sleep until noon.
If you’re not sure what your sleep schedule should look like, take the Power of When Quiz and see if your sleep chronotype resonates with you. There’s also tons of interesting information on when to exercise, or when to drink alcohol or coffee.
My last KEY aspect to improving sleep quality shouldn’t surprise you: actively bring down cortisol by lowering your stress levels.
The more you engage in relaxation techniques, the more your whole system will be trained to quickly switch from fight-or-flight to rest-and-digest. Look at it as some sort of switch that you can train to be stronger and make the switch more easily.
If you can’t sleep because you’re feeling very stressed or you find yourself overthinking, definitely have a look at the Give Your Brain A Break audio series to learn different relaxation techniques that will help you feel more relaxed in just 5 minutes a day, or download the Overthinking Emergency Kit and follow the 10 steps to stop overthinking right away.
And with that, I’m wishing you a great night’s sleep!
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