Meet Maya

Maya Lombarts






Hey there! My name's Maya, I’m from Belgium, and I’ve been living in Cusco, Peru for the past seven years while building my business online.

I struggled with chronic disease in Belgium when I was only 15 (CFS and Fibromyalgia). Doctors told me: "You just have a small energy bucket and you need to learn how to live with it." I refused to accept this and started looking for my own solutions, which I found in the Peruvian Lifestyle and Functional Medicine.

Using my Belgian structured side and my Peruvian flexible side, I'm a Left-Brained Sidekick for Creative Entrepreneurs. Together, we can find a way to maintain your creative flow while managing the operational aspects of your business.

Let's hang out on Instagram: @mayalombarts

"I went from chronic fatigue syndrome to overachievers syndrome."

My Story

My body broke down at the age of 15, and doctors had no idea what to do with me. I couldn't go to school, I couldn't shower without my mom's support, I couldn't walk without a walking cane.

I lost many years of my teenage life.

The doctors told me: "You just have a small energy bucket and you need to learn how to live with it."  I refused to accept this and knew I could work on my health, run up stairs again soon, and build the life I really wanted for myself.

When nobody could give me the answers for my extreme fatigue, I had no choice but to coach myself and experiment with meditation, having a daily routine, becoming very smart with my time and energy and planning empty moments of recovery FIRST … I refused to take any medication and got better little bit by little bit.

I found my answers in Functional Medicine and in the Peruvian lifestyle. I moved to Peru when I was 21 and it completely changed my life and my health. All of a sudden, I could work full-time, dance salsa, have a vibrant social life, work as a professional singer, and live with a more flexible agenda so I could listen to my body when I needed to.

Maya in Peru

THE KEY: A Balanced Entrepreneurial Life

After 15 years of putting my health first and not taking any spark of energy for granted, I've become a natural guide for fellow online entrepreneurs who are looking for structure in their business, while maintaining enough flexibility for creativity, self-care, and spontaneity.

What I offer is a unique blend between my Functional Medicine Health Coaching Certification, and my degree in Intercultural Business Management. These two bring a unique perspective to today's entrepreneurial challenges.

It's not about a consistent content calendar.
It's not about timeblocking to get things done.
It's about finding what works for YOU without killing your creative flow nor your life balance.

Ready to dive in with me?

Check out my services

THE KEY: A Balanced Entrepreneurial Life

After 15 years of putting my health first and not taking any spark of energy for granted, I've become a natural guide for fellow online entrepreneurs who are looking for structure in their business, while maintaining enough flexibility for creativity, self-care, and spontaneity.

What I offer is a unique blend between my Functional Medicine Health Coaching Certification, and my degree in Intercultural Business Management. These two bring a unique perspective to today's entrepreneurial challenges.

It's not about a consistent content calendar.
It's not about timeblocking to get things done.
It's about finding what works for YOU without killing your creative flow nor your life balance.

Ready to dive in with me?

Random facts about me

I live my life in 3 languages, every day

Yes, as you can see, my website and my social media are all in English. You also know I've been living in Cusco, Peru for the past 7 years, so my Spanish has become as strong as my English. So, what's my native language? It's Flemish (Dutch)!

My biggest passion is singing

I've been singing for as long as I can remember, but it wasn't until I moved to Peru, that I became a professional singer in bars, hotels, and at events. I love creating covers that mix languages and styles like we did with Feeling Good by Nina Simone. Click here to have a listen!

I did 10 years of competitive jump roping

I was only 6 years old when I started. Saying "I can't do this." meant doing 10 pushups. Can you believe how hard it was to actually start listening to my body after 10 years of having a push-through mentality? When my body broke down, I woke up every morning thinking: "Today I can do it. I can go to school." And when I reached the bathroom I had to admit to myself: "Actually, I can't."

I geeked out on Astrology during the pandemic

and I actually became a certified astrologer at the MAYO School of Astrology! I'm not giving readings unless my friends get curious, but it's helped me understand my own personality much more. I am a Taurus Sun, Taurus Moon, and Virgo Rising. Verrry earthy!