Singing: @maya_piero

Meet Maya.

Hey there! My name's Maya, I’m from Belgium, and I’ve been living in Cusco, Peru for the past seven years while building my business online.

I struggled with chronic disease in Belgium when I was only 15 (CFS and Fibromyalgia). Doctors told me: "You just have a small energy bucket and you need to learn how to live with it." I refused to accept this and started looking for my own solutions, which I found in the Peruvian Lifestyle and Functional Medicine.

Using my Belgian structured side and my Peruvian flexible side, I'm a Left-Brained Sidekick for Creative Entrepreneurs. Together, we can find a way to maintain your creative flow while managing the operational aspects of your business.

I Want To Know More

You stay in your zone of genius.
I do the rest.

There is no better time than today to bring more efficiency to your business and/or declutter your life, so have more time and energy to be creative, productive, Γ‘nd spontaneous.

Are you outsourcing the tasks that drain you?
What systems do you have in place to create structure?

Does your schedule look crazy full and your home crazy cluttered?

Let's start with a Life or Bizz Audit! I don't believe in a separation of work and personal life. Your business affects your health, and your lifestyle affects your work. I offer a 360 approach where we declutter your demons and find a personal strategy for you to feel more calm and balanced through the busiest of times!